April 20, 2014 - Resurrection Sunday Ministry LaunchElderJoAnnJohnsonenvisionedaninternationalcommunityof youngwomen;approximateages18-55bondingthoughtheirlife experiences.Somemayhaveanunyieldingfaithinthe completedWORKofCHRISTJESUSonCalvary’sCross;while othersmayneedencouragementtotake“onedayatatime,”as theyallowtheSpiritofGodtodrawthemtoHim.Throughthis sisterhood,theycansharetheirincrediblestoriesofvictory, providinghopetoanothersister.ADORwillserveunderthe umbrellaofR.H.E.M.A.,sharingR.H.E.M.A.’scorevalues;however, ADOR will have its own leadership, vision and mission.VISIONYoungwomenutilizingsocialmedia,conferences,forumsandotherspiritualresources aseffectiveevangelismanddiscipleshipenrichmenttools;enablingsistersaroundthe globe to have the support to live victorious godly lives.MISSIONSharing Jesus… Healing Lives (Psalms 107:20, 1 Peter 5:7)CORE VALUESLove: for God inspires our service to others Faith: in God cultivates our prayer lifePeace: of God unites us as one in HimWord: of God is our final authorityFOUNDATIONAL SCRIPTURE“But me, I’m not giving up. I’m sticking around to see what God will do. I’m waiting for God to make this right. I’m counting on God to listen to me. Don’t, enemy crow over me. I’m down, but I’m not out. I’m sitting in darkness right now, but God is my light.” Micah 7: 7-8 (Message REMIX)LEADERSHIP COUNCIL(Click on picture for bio)
ADORSharing Jesus ... Healing Lives
Mary JohnsonPrayer CoordinatorLexington, MS.
Kel’ly GarnerCommunity OutreachChicago, IL.
Sabrina GarnerEvent AmbassadorFrisco, TX.
Ordel McClendonChristian Life AdvancementDecatur, IL.